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Customize Dictionary

A metadata.toml, which uses toml format, can be used to customize or override some properties of a certain dictionary. It is also used in auto grouping by metadata

The metadata.toml should be placed on each dictionary's root folder (beside dictionary files) like

├── Cambridge
│    ├── metadata.toml < here
│    ├── Cambridge.idx
│    ├──
│    ├── Cambridge.syn
│    └──    
└── Collins
     ├── metadata.toml < here
     └── Collins.dsl 

Override display name

Some dictionary formats' display is embedded inside the dictionary, which cannot be easily changed, but you can add the following to override it.

name = "New Name"

This New Name will be appeared as the dictionary name.


name="New Name"

The fts field's value can be on/off, 1/0 ,true/false etc.

will disable the current dictionary's full-text search.

You can check the full-text search status on each dictionary's info dialog.