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Shortcut Action
Alt+Left, Backspace (In main and popup windows) history navigation: show previous founded results
Alt+Right (In main and popup windows) history navigation: show next founded results
Alt+Down Jump to article from next dictionary
Alt+Up Jump to article from previous dictionary
Alt+Enter, Ctrl+Enter (Search line) Show translation in new tab
Alt+D, Ctrl+L (In main and popup windows) go to search line
Alt+G (In main and popup windows) choose dictionaries group from group list
Alt+S (In main and popup windows) playback pronunciation for current word
Alt+W (In popup window) transfer word from search line to main window
Alt+PgDown (In main and popup windows) switch to next dictionaries group
Alt+PgUp (In main and popup windows) switch to previous dictionaries group
Ctrl++ Increase articles font size
Ctrl+– Decrease articles font size
Ctrl+0 Set default articles font size
Ctrl+MouseWheel Increase/decrease articles font size
Ctrl+A Select all articles in current page
Ctrl+C Copy selected
Ctrl+D Switch to dictionary headwords dialog (if it is open)
Ctrl+E Add current tab to Favorites
Ctrl+F4 (Main window) minimize to system tray
Ctrl+F5 Rescan dictionaries
Ctrl+F (In main and popup windows) search in page / (In dictionaries dialog) go to filter line
Ctrl+H Show/hide history pane
Ctrl+I Show/hide Favorites pane
Ctrl+M Show/hide main menu
Ctrl+N (In dictionary headwords dialog and full-text search dialog) switch to main window
Ctrl+O Above all windows
Ctrl+P (In main window) print current article
Ctrl+Q (In main window) close GoldenDict
Ctrl+R Show/hide results pane
Ctrl+S Show/hide search pane
Ctrl+T (In main window) create new tab
Ctrl+W (In main window) close current tab
Ctrl+PgDown (In main window) switch to next tab
Ctrl+PgUp (In main window) switch to previous tab
Ctrl+Tab (In main window) switch to next tab (can be changed in preferences)
Ctrl+Shift+A Select current article only
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy selected as text
Ctrl+Shift+F Open/switch to full-text search dialog
Ctrl+Shift+W Close all tabs
Ctrl+Shift+S Stop current playing sound
Del (History) delete select line
Enter (In main window) go to search line
Esc (In main window) go to search line (the action for Esc key can be changed in preferences) / (in popup window) close popup window
F1 GoldenDict reference
F2 (In main window) save current page to html
F3 Dictionaries dialog
F4 GoldenDict preferences
F12 Inspector