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Flatpak is a software platform that runs on top of Linux. It has idiosyncrasies by design.

This page provides some solutions to work with flatpak. Exactly how to use Flatpak needs to refer Flatpak's documentation

These solutions use Flatseal, but directly using the flatpak command or KDE's flatpak-kcm works as well.


Feel free to add new solutions by clicking the edit button on the top right.

Add external programs

Problem: Apps inside Flatpak cannot run programs on the host system directly.

Solution: Use flatpak-spawn --host.

First, add org.freedesktop.Flatpak to allowed session bus.

Then add application like flatpak-spawn --host --directory=${the external program's pwd will be set to this value} ${The actual commands}.

For example, Translate Shell can be added to GoldenDict as flatpak-spawn --host --directory=. trans -no-ansi %GDWORD%.

Uses fixed paths instead of /run/user/1000/doc/...

Apps inside Flatpak don't have direct access to filesystem by default. A directory selected in file chooser will be exported to app as /run/user/1000/doc/.... The exported directories can be listed with flatpak documents --columns=id,origin,application

If you want to use fixed paths instead, just grant GolenDict either the whole file system, the whole home or a specific path.

Note that some special paths in the host system like \tmp cannot be accessed by flatpak apps in any way.