Build from source
The release-*
and PR-check-*
workflow files under .github
in the source code has actual build & commands for reference.
- C++17 compiler (For windows it must be MSVC)
- Latest QT6
For debian/ubuntu, those packages are needed
libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libbz2-dev libeb16-dev libhunspell-dev \
liblzma-dev liblzo2-dev libopencc-dev libvorbis-dev \
libx11-dev libxtst-dev libzim-dev libzstd-dev qt6-5compat-dev \
qt6-base-dev qt6-multimedia-dev qt6-speech-dev qt6-svg-dev \
qt6-tools-dev qt6-tools-dev-tools qt6-webchannel-dev \
qt6-webengine-dev x11proto-record-dev zlib1g-dev
In other words, those libraries
- ffmpeg
- libzim
- xapian
- hunspell
- opencc
- libeb
- libvorbis
- x11 (linux only)
And a few compression libraries:
- xz (lzma)
- bzip2
- lzo2
- zlib
Basically, you need those commands:
cd goldendict-ng && mkdir build_dir
# config step
cmake -S . -B build_dir
-G "Ninja"/"Unix Makefiles"/"Xcode"... (Optional)
--install-prefix=/usr/local/ (Optional)
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (Optional)
# actual build
cmake --build build_dir
--parallel 7 (Optional if Ninja was chosen)
cmake --install ./build_dir/
Feature flags
Append -D{flag_names}=ON/OFF
to cmake's config step.
Available flags can be found on the top of CMakeLists.txt
Install Qt6 (MSVC) through Qt Online Installer and add Qt's path to CMake
Make the .exe
Call cmake --install {the cmake output folder}
will copy all necessary dependencies to correct locations.
TODO: (untested) you can also ${Qt's install path}\Qt\6.5.2\msvc2019_64\bin
and vcpkg's bin paths to your PATH environment variable
Note that using -G Ninja
in CMake is assumed to be used. TODO: MSBuild has minor bugs for being "Multi-Config".
vcpkg is the primary method to build GoldenDict-ng's dependencies.
There are a few ways to use it.
First, just do nothing. Without any additional CMake config options, a pre-built cached version of vcpkg will be automatically obtained and setup.
Second, install vcpkg on your local machine, then set CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
as described here, which says append -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={Your vcpkg install location}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
to CMake's config step. Note that this cost long time to build
If you build in an IDE, then the created
will be runnable from the IDE which set up necessary magics for you.
To make the .app
runnable elsewhere, you can run cmake --install build_dir/
which will invoke macdeployqt, ad-hoc code signing and various other things. The produced app will end up in build_dir/redist/
To create .dmg
installer, you have to have create-dmg installed on your machine, then also cmake --install build_dir/